Lebanon ProScape MESA 19-0-6 Fertilizer with LockUp plus Dimension Weed Control – 40 lbs.

Lebanon ProScape MESA 19-0-6 Fertilizer with LockUp plus Dimension Weed Control – 40 lbs.


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ProScape 19-0-6 33% MESA Fertilizer combines Dimension and LockUp herbicides providing highly effective post-emergent control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and pre-emergent control of crabgrass in established turfgrass, including residential lawns.

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SKU: 0150-15455 Categories: , , , ,


ProScape 19-0-6 33% MESA Fertilizer with Lockup plus Dimension is a highly effective combination of two herbicides providing post-emergence control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in established residential lawns.

  • A premium combination fertilizer and weed control product with an NPK of 19-0-6.
  • 1.13% LockUp for control of dandelions and other broadleaf weeds.
  • 33% MESA specially formulated nitrogen known for delivering brilliant color response without surge growth.
  • Muriate of potash which stimulates the growth of strong cells and provides disease resistance by promoting thickness of the outer cell walls.
  • 0.17% Dimension for control or suppression of crabgrass and broadleaf weeds

Application & Coverage

  • 3.4 – 4.0 lbs. /1,000 sq. ft.
  • 40 lbs. bag will cover 10,000 to 11,500 sq. ft.
  • Can be applied in early spring to control the early broadleaf weeds such as violets and chickweed while also controlling crabgrass.
  • Possible re-treatment in approximately 30 days may be necessary if turfgrass is heavily infested with weeds

Additional information

Weight 40 kg
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